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Finest Whitework with Appenzell Embroidery

pillow, handmade, Franconian forest, Germany

Embroidered on fine batiste as in the pillow or on very fine linen

Weddigen 280 or 240

- fine linens

Weddigen 22 - fine linen 50ct.

Fine coton cambric / batiste

Special cotton embroidery yarn - The embroidery thread for fine whitework

The fin and finest whitework should be 3dimensional and should have a satin-like surface. For this you need Special cotton l think.


Monograms with approx. 1 or more inch  you can embroider with size  25 or 30, 

but elements of 0.5 inch or less need a finer thread.

DMC made therefore Special cotton in size 35on hie website, but only in white and tan.

Marie Suarez of Belgium has been making Special cotton - Coton floche insize 60, 80 and 120. But only in creamy, the color of old linen.


Here is the link to my site with  my special cotton threads / Coton floche / Broder special.

Fine whitework made with embroidery hoop

One can use a normal embroidery hoop or a embroidery stand,  I myself have learned to love this seating frame, because one can sit on every bank, on every armchair and embroider with both hands.According to table height one can put this seat frame also before himself on the table.


Here is the link to my website with embroidery hoops.



Stitching needles


The finest whitework is made with a pointed embroidery needle..


Here is the link to my site with embroidery needles.

Decoration cloth from Appenzell in Switzerland, hand embroidered about 1920

The Appenzeller embroideries as well as the franc forests embroideries belong to the most beautiful white embroideries.


I work on an embroidery book to the finest white embroidery -

soon it is finished and I show it here at this place.


And finally still a link to my textile collection for fine white embroideries on my museum web page

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